Notes from voyages

Further detail can be found here relating to several of Tilman’s high latitude voyages.

The expeditions to West Greenland in 1970 and to East Greenland in 1971 contain my own photographs and anecdotes, while I am indebted to Andrew Craig-Bennett and Robert Adams for permission to include their notes from the 1974  Spitsbergen circumnavigation and Tilman’s final voyage on his own boat, the 1977 return to Lymington from Reykjavik.

Also included are four photographs from an early Mischief voyage, the 1956/7 voyage originally intended as a landing on the Crozet Islands, a voyage which became an unintended circumnavigation of the African continent due to unforeseen circumstances.

The remarkable Southern Indian Ocean Expedition to Heard Island is marked by extracts from the two original accounts, now both republished in 2016, and includes rarely seen footage edited from the film shot on the expedition.