13NL – The Project

The following pictures taken from the landing window. Each of these have been stitched together from around ten pictures so ignore the distortion. All lines are actually straight!

Day 0 – The calm before….
Day 3 – Shed demolished, old patio paving leveled
Day 4 – Digging in
Day 5 – The Somme, re-enacted
Day 6 – Saturday morning and the concrete’s been pumped into the footings.
Day 11 – Drain set out, first course of blocks down.
Day 12 – Another course of blocks and a minor adjustment to the footings…
Day 16 – The remnants of the shed reappear to backfill…
Day 17 – sand going down to level the base…
Day 18 – Radon barrier down, reinforcing steel in…
Day 19 – Concrete base in – starting to appreciate the spaces…